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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    Extraordinary Horse

    "Extraordinary" is an adjective that describes something beyond the ordinary or usual, something that stands out as exceptional, remarkable, or unique. It also emphasizes the uncommon nature of a person, event, accomplishment, or quality. For example, an extraordinary achievement might be a groundbreaking scientific discovery, an extraordinary talent could refer to an individual's remarkable musical abilities or an extraordinary event might be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

    Last Amaretto Community Meeting (June 27th), Ava announced a riddle: 


    "How Extraordinary would it be if you breed two albinos together?"
    Any albino counts.
    Do not have to be sibling albinos. 
    I guess we will have to wait and see!


    Finally, last Thursday, we saw the Extraordinary Demon.


    Later, when asked if the Demon is the only Extraordinary Horse type or if there would be others, Ava answered enigmatically, "You never know!"

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