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Bull Hynes

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[08:56] BH: you can also ride the horses to increase happiness
[08:56] BH: right click from inventory and choose "add"
[08:57] New Breeder: Understand, thank you for the info !!
[08:57] BH: very welcome and glad to help...and it costs nothing, but time
[08:57] Second Life: Inventory item 'Bonanza BH HS' offered
[08:58] BH: please come for a visit some time
[09:01] BH: salt can be used on any live, but it is a waste of money to salt them until they are 4 or 5 days old
[09:02] New Breeder:: However, it's a small cost to keep their happiness up 🙂
[09:02] BH: salt keeps them happy and they have to be happy to gain fervor to breed...but, they cannot gain fervor until they are 7 days old
[09:02] BH: agreed
[09:03] BH: I have been feeding\breeding between 4 and 600 horses for over a year
[09:03] New Breeder: well I am falling in love with them and I am learning very quickly 🙂
[09:04] New Breeder: AND I JUST GOT MY FIRST PREGNANT PEACOCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  12%
[09:05] Bull Hynes: in all honesty, it is a great product...very well done...loads of fun and very rewarding for the heart with the sense of accomplishment...I started in 2010 with them, shortly after they came out...they are a money pit, but there are worse things to burn money on
[09:05] New Breeder: Totally agree  🙂
[09:06] BH: when albinos, galaxy and vaporwaves start dropping for you...that is when the heart sings
[09:06] Second Life: Inventory item 'Queen~Chrome~Onyx HDR 7 days' offered
[09:07] BH: that's what I breed for
[09:07] New Breeder: what i have to learn is what to breed with what to get X  ..........
[09:07] New Breeder: but thats the fun is the experimentation  lol
[09:07] Second Life: Inventory item 'Triple/Quad/Quint/Sextuplet/Septuplet Duty Siblings Explained.' offered
[09:08] BH: there you go...that card has ALL the info on what to use to get special stuffs
[09:08] BH: all of it from the wiki, aside from where noted
[09:08] New Breeder:: OMG Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:08] BH winks
[09:09] BH: all in a simple, easy to read reference and no need to dig for hours on the wiki
[09:10] New Breeder:: do you have one for definitions too?   LOL   some of the "jargon" is not clear
[09:10] BH: such as?
[09:10] BBH: and no, I don't...but, spew what words you wanna know
[09:10] New Breeder:: I cant think of anything specific right now, but i run across words that i have to scratch my head wondering what the heck they mean  lol
[09:11] BH: DOS, direct off spring
[09:13] New Breeder: I see that a lot !    Most of the ones are in the names of the horses themselves.........the acronyms are unfamiliar
[09:13] BH: ww white walker, usually
[09:14] BH: and any time someone screams "pure"...run..none of them are pure...not by the correct definition
[09:14] New Breeder: are they the normal run of the mill everyday coats ?
[09:14] BH: walker are, yes
[09:14] New Breeder: ok
[09:15] BH: popular, but useless for the method I breed...and that card I sent is my "Bible" for breeding
[09:17] New Breeder: Understand..........i dont go for 'ordinary'  lol
[09:17] BH: kinda like that photo I sent?
[09:18] New Breeder: Yes, eventually 🙂
[09:18] BH: I have the ingredients for that
[09:19] New Breeder: I may hit you up, later, when i feel more confident 🙂
[09:22] New Breeder: when the pregnancy is ready to bundle, will the box appear in world or in my inventory ?
[09:22] BH: in world
[09:22] New Breeder: 🙂 cool, thanks
[09:23] BH: https://amarettobreedables.com/
[09:23] BH: sign up for an account
[09:23] New Breeder): Awesome !  thank you 🙂 will do that right now
[09:24] BH: very welcome...glad to help
[09:24] New Breeder: You have, immensely !!!
[09:25] BH: stop that sweet talking at Me
[09:25] BH winks
[09:25] New Breeder: Hahaha  just being honest
[09:25] BH: thank you
[09:26] BH: here is a group that you can get help in also
[09:27] BH: oh...just an FYI
[09:29] BH: I IMed you to share that info about riding to raise happiness, because no one else did...if you do go nuts like I have with breeding, it can get very, very expensive
[09:30] New Breeder: I understand,  and I am going to try to ride as often as I can
[09:31] BH: try to choose where you ride carefully...make sure the sim does not have a load of avatars and load of scripts
[09:32] BH: also know that they DO have great support and can fix pretty much everything script\texture
[09:32] BH: and prims
[09:33] New Breeder: I was just going to ride on my sim  lol because i didnt think of taking them out  LOL   but I will now
[09:33] BH: and understand
[09:33] BH winks
[09:30] New Breeder: I understand,  and I am going to try to ride as often as I can
[09:31] BH: try to choose where you ride carefully...make sure the sim does not have a load of avatars and load of scripts
[09:32] BH: also know that they DO have great support and can fix pretty much everything script\texture
[09:32] BH: and prims
[09:33] New Breeder: I was just going to ride on my sim  lol because i didnt think of taking them out  LOL   but I will now
[09:33] New Breeder: and understand
[09:33] BH winks
[09:38] BH: do you mind if I post our conversation to the forums? I would obviously take our names out and put your name as "New Breeder"
[09:38] New Breeder: If it's anonymous then sure 🙂
[09:39] BH: it certainly will be...they will know it is Me...I will use BH...not a thing against TOS at all
[09:39] New Breeder: oh not concerned about TOS,  just shy  lol
[09:41] BH: priceless

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